Multitasking – A Myth

What is multitasking? Doing more than one task at a same time, would be your answer.

We see lots of professional boosting this skill these days on their profiles; we are in a race to prove how many things can we handle at the same time. But I take it in a completely different way.

Can we reply to a “text message” while playing football? No, why? We loose focus on our game, correct?

Then how can we be in constant communication during our brainstorming meetings, producing a design, preparing a contract………? Oh it’s okay if these things get delayed or gets weaker outcome!

Human brain is not designed to focus on multiple areas at the same time and multitasking does not only impact your productivity but also impact your quality of output.

While interviewing many professionals they defended their habit with a statement that “our prime job is to communicate” – to challenge them we actually observed their communication and proved that 90% of the communication can wait for more than 24 hours – but we love those small breaks in between breaks.

While we understand, that we need breaks – but the funny situation is most professionals are working in-between breaks rather than taking breaks between work! Constant notifications of mails, messages, social media….. have made us addicted to distraction.

A funny incident I must share:

We gave our car to service center around a month back, they called us 3 times for 3 different problems – I wonder if the mechanic was seating with the phone and calling as he sees something!

Best part was while returning the car – they called us again and asked would you be paying by cash or card? This made me furious and asked them – isn’t it possible for you to check when you collected the car? Sorry sir……

But then I realized, we (humans) just love to talk – and the so called “free communication” and mindset of people answering every phone call and message (instantly) – have made people stop planning and thinking little further.

Thanks to the technology communication has now at least 5 forms in every phone! And strangly we click “like” of the same post on multiple mediums J that too in between of reading this blog J or doing something really important.

We take pride on being a multitasker & boost it around our community but it does no good and just harms the person & ultimately leads you nowhere.

Focus on art of “concentration” not the “distraction” – if you intend to give your best to this world!

And yes, it’s (really) difficult – take a challenge of not looking at any screen other than what you are doing for 60 minutes and increase eventually as per the need of your work.


Parth Hirani, is leading a strategic advisory practice at J.Hirani & has helped various organizations align strategies across continents. A social & collaborative sapien by nature.  He enjoys being a full time “dreamer” & loves challenging “possibilities”. 

Success mantra- “We believe it’s possible; while maintaining flexibility on “How” we are “Rigid” on our “Goals”

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