Questions to think Unconventional Strategies

To stand apart in the crowd, one need something that highlight difference and at the same time give appeal and impact. When it comes to people; its little easy as all they have to do is dress up like Lady Gaga OR put accessorise like Gold Man-Bappi Lehri but when it comes to the corporate world and organization; that’s where the deeper thought comes in the picture. Just like people organizations and brands also want to stand apart in the market. So what makes any organization or brand stand apart?

Is it creative marketing? Well not always. Many Organizations launches new product or a brand with creative marketing strategy and think that they will rise above all and capture the eyeball, it may help but not always or not consistently. Here are some questions that one can ask to self and leadership team to have perspectives that help right positioning in the market.

Is your product literally remarkable for which people will fall in love?

People fall in love with the product when they know that its solving one of their pain area as that’s the easy connection to make. We all are using “Google” not because we saw its ad in the TV or newspaper but it become part of our routine life and solve almost all our queries. Its such a marvellous product that we cant live without it. It would be difficult to detach from Google for all of us.

What story do you have to tell to the people?

Story help people to connect with the brand ,”why we are doing what we are doing” has always been an not only critical question but it’s a foundation as any brand’s or product’s story begin from that point.

Does your product belong to established market, if yes, does your services are much, much better than existing players?

Sometimes Known is much dangerous than unknown if we don’t understand its impact or take advantage of. That is the same case with new brand or product. In cut throat competition, if one can not identify the “better” version of what is available then the brand or product will not able to leverage its actual advantage. The product and services along with it weighing equal on the scale of importance. So What are your services and where it stand apart in the market?

Have you already thought ongoing engagement activities?

Engagement is not one time activity during the launch but its lifelong affair with customers and it has to be same throughout the period or evolve much more interesting. With time engagement happens with upgradation in the product or business model and pinch of creativity in marketing to connect all dots well. Recently Swiggy Ginie is best example of engagement with customer via product upgradation

Other than above prime questions, there is always a need of unshaken faith in the idea, product and brand that one is coming up with. Without that nothing can be build something outstanding.


Keyuri Patel,  an engineer who has mastered refining cultures and leadership, is associated with Jagdish Hirani & Associates  as a Project Manager. She is consistently improving the conversion of strategies from design boards to ground team. She has a wide experience consulting organizations in the fields of BFSI, Education, Textile, Outdoor Media, Technology, Garments, Architectural Hardware, Travel and Event Management. Apart from contributing to the consulting projects she is also leading people initiatives at J.Hirani.

Success Mantra: “Don’t say “yes” if you are not convinced”. Understand that ultimately it’s your team (not machines, technology, money or product) who drives your organization.

About J.hirani: J.hirani is a Strategic Transformation team which works as a growth partner for different organisations in various industries by providing services like Agile transformation, Scenario mapping, Strategic alignment, Balance scorecard, Digital transformation, Incubating new ventures, Operation excellence and Aligning human capital.

©J.hirani, Questions to think Unconventional Strategies, September 2021. All rights reserved

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