Adding Tech to Life and Business

Things that may actually help us

While we are still learning about what 5G is and how it will change our life, 6G is already being conceptualized.

If there were 100 videos on a topic in 2020. NOW WE HAVE 900. 6G is already being conceptualized. Data on the internet is overflowing

Data on the internet is overflowing. The amount of data consumed by us through social media, web search, apps, video engines grew by 9 times in the last couple of years alone. To put this into perspective, if there were 100 videos on a topic in 2020. NOW WE HAVE 900.

To add to this, the speed at which technology is growing is 2x every 1.5 years. We are frequently growing out of older methods of technology and adapting newer techs as they come.

Human eye captures 576 Mega Pixels

How quickly did we advance from no phone to phones requiring no touch? To justify the demands of our busy lives, technology will yet evolve objects in our favour and may even push mobile cameras capture 576MP to match the human eye.

While we all can imagine a way of life in next 10 years considering current disruptions by AI, VR and blockchain, let’s look at some pieces and bits that may actually be creative and change the way we do business.

Meet you in 3D

In the photo- Christoph Grainger-Herr, left, chief executive of IWC, appearing as a hologram as he talks from Switzerland to clients at Watches and Wonders in Shanghai. He was using technology from the company

It is more immersive to be conversing with the use of holographic technology. It renders 3D image of a person, so you no longer have to look into the boundaries of a screen.

Changing medical field

Image credit- J.hirani

Bioelectronics is the branch of science concerned with the application of biological materials and processes in electronics, or the use of electronic devices in living systems.

Wearable bio sensors will greatly aid medical field where patients with chronic conditions can be monitored without interference. There sensors can detect and signal changes in regular patterns to obtain medical aid swiftly in case of impending emergencies.

Apart from this biotech, organ regeneration, genetic editing and synthetic biology are all progressing to make disease management and medicine improve.

The computers will learn from us

Inspired by the human brain, neuromorphic computing aims to develop computer architectures that mimic the structure and functioning of neural networks. This could lead to more energy-efficient and powerful computing systems.

Industrial manufacturing beyond 4.0

ABB’s CRB 11000 SWIFIT cobot. | Credit: ABB

More versatile robots capable of carrying out complex tasks are expected. Soft robotics, biohybrid robots, and swarm robotics are areas of research that could lead to innovative applications in healthcare, manufacturing, and exploration.

Intelligent and efficient manufacturing processes using cobots for data collection and equipment performance will help create smarter factories and industry 4.0 concepts.

Digital transformation in Business

Image credit- J.hirani

Digital Transformation Pyramid

Although India is the second fastest digital adopter globally, there is a lot of room to cover considering internet access in rural areas and adoption of connected phones by public.

While big companies stick to web ads, small companies do a better job by stirring customers via social media

Digitally smart organizations spend more on technology than peers. Some points that set them apart are

  1. Their digital strategy is completely integrated with overall strategy
  2. Have digital centralized operations.
  3. They make use of technology like CRM and mobile apps for marketing.
  4. Have dedicated team of analyst.
  5. Are ready to spend more on digital technologies from manufacturing to delivery.

Large number of small companies employ through Linkedin

While big companies stick to web ads, small companies do a better job by stirring customers via social media. Large number of small companies employ through Linkedin. While a large number of big companies expect their employees to be more digitally well versed.

Digitally smart companies are in a better position to add ecommerce business, adopt technologies faster, have better data management and view, make faster decisions and communicate better with employees and customers.

Digital transformative initiative is a way business can rethink their models, processes, and customer interactions to leverage digital technologies and gain strategic advantages. It represents a transformative approach to industrial production that leverages digital technologies to drive innovation and competitiveness.

J.hirani provides strategic advisory services to manufacturing, service brands, product brands, online/ offline business. Read our capabilities.

Digital Transformation Service.

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