Leadership Skills and its impact on organizational control

The role of leadership in an organisation is important in terms of creating vision, mission, determination and establishment of objectives, designing strategies, policies and methods to accomplish efficacy along with directing and coordinating the efforts and organisational accomplishments. Top quality leadership is fundamental to accomplish mission and vision alongside adapting to the progressions happening in the outer condition. Leadership has a direct cause and effect relationship upon organizations and their achievement. Pioneers decide values, culture, change resistance and representative inspiration. They shape institutional methodologies including their execution and effectiveness. Leaders can seem at any level of an institution and are not exclusive to organisation. Successful leaders do, however, have one thing in mutual. They influence those around them in order to procure maximum benefit from the organization’s assets, including its most energetic and exclusive: its people. With leadership potentially playing such a dynamic role in the success of information centres and patron experiences, it is beneficial to consider the unlike types of leaders and their potential impact on organization’s performance Existing leadership theories term leaders based upon traits or how influence and power are used to attain goals. When using trait-based metaphors, leaders may be categorized as autocratic, bureaucratic or charismatic. If observing leadership from the viewpoint of the exchange of power and its utilization to protected outcomes, leaders are situational, transactional or transformational. Below is a brief scrutiny of each common leadership style listed above and their probable impact on a group as well as their relative utility.

Relationship between Leadership Styles and Organizational Performance

There is a significant impact of the leadership styles on organizational performance. The leadership style impacts the culture of the organization which, in turn, effects the organizational performance.

Types of Leadership
Transformational leadership style
Charismatic leadership style
Transactional leadership style
Autocratic Leadership
Bureaucratic leadership style

Effectiveness of   leadership style varies by situational contexts. It cannot mutually benefit both: leaders or workforces. There is as such no right or wrong leadership style. It depends on the leaders what they want to achieve. But if the end goal is to sustain the organisation from generation to generation, one must adopt transformational leadership, as transformational leaders can reassure and facilitate change in their subordinates and boost their growth and creativity. Transformational leaders have high expectations for themselves and others. But instead of laying down the law, these leaders “walk the walk” and perfect the standards of behaviour they anticipate from the team.

If the goal of the leader is to smooth line the entire journey in organisation, then leader should adopt autocratic or charismatic leadership, depending on their work style. It aids the journey in becoming faster and less painful for the leader. At the end, whatever may be the style, a leader is the one who “KNOWS the way, GOES the way and SHOWS the way”.


Yesha Makhija- Business Analyst, who has pursued her Masters in Management & has good amount experience in J.Hirani, dealing with manufacturing industries. She is a resourceful person who chills at work and later run on toes to get her work done, proving her strong ability to work under stress. Her curiosity to learn new things helped her grow better. Want to have a coffee, you have a partner.



Saurin Parikh, who has done Masters in International Business and Management Information System from Texas, is also a Certified Business Analyst. He started as a business analyst with Jagdish Hirani & Associated, is currently leading the core operations of transformation projects. He has wide experience in industries like home furnishing, diamond, tourism, food sectors etc.  He is Observant, Conscious about facts, Patient, Positive, gives attention to detail and believes in total Completeness. 

Success Mantra – “You have to touch ground (foundation) to make perfect organizations. Right methods with consistent approach are bound to yield results”

About J.Hirani: J.Hirani is a Strategic Transformation team which works as a growth partner for different organizations in various industries by providing services like Agile transformation, Scenario mapping, Strategic alignment, Balance scorecard, Digital transformation, Incubating new ventures, Operation excellence and Aligning human capital.

©J.Hirani, Leadership Skills and its Impact on Organizational Control, October 2020. All rights reserved.

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